Tuesday, November 20, 2012

display hide content on page using JQuery

On page load , 1st div which is "div1"  is enabled , rest are hidden . On further link clicks , respective divs , as defined by class of list element  , are enabled , rest divs are disabled

jQuery(function () {

$('#nav a').click(function () {

var myClassLinked = $(this).parent().attr('class');

$('#container > :not(#' + myClassLinked + ')').hide();

$('#' + myClassLinked ).fadeIn(); }); });

$(document).ready(function () {

$('#container > :not(#' + 'div1' + ')').hide();

$('#' + 'div1').fadeIn();


Full example code

Sunday, October 14, 2012

feature activation code using powershell does not pick appsettings values

This is a  very common scenario where , our deployment guides tend to be useless with automation just because features are activated well using UI in settings of site/site collection  , but fail using powershell.

Here is the solution to this :

using (SPWeb web = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb)
SPWebApplication webApp = web.Site.WebApplication;
Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/", webApp.Name);
// App settings are retrieved this way

// Connection string settings are retrieved this way


Reference :

Read web.config on FeatureActivated event while activating Feature using PowerShell


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Get Dependent files from HTML response


I am getting response of a page like :

System.Net.HttpWebRequest  request  ...


request.Method = ...

request.UserAgent =..


receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream();

readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8);

string pageContent = readStream.ReadToEnd();

Now out of this string pageContent    , I want to extract all sub request and make them a hit.   Is there something better than html agility pack for this ?

Reply 1 By http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/profile/joel%20engineer/?ws=usercard-mini

I usually read it into an htmlDocument Class and the use either GetElementByID or GetElementsByTagname()




string pageContent;





Reply 2 

You should try http://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/

I am searching something better dear.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dummy Workflow References



    •  For my Document Library WorkflowAssociations.Count  is zero.

    • For this document Library EnableModeration  is false.

    •  Still I can see column in the document Library named "Approval Status".  (internal name   "_ModerationStatus")

When I try to set  EnableModeration  true for this document library , I get exception.

Seems to be some time in the past workflow was enabled on this list / enablemoderation was true . But setting these to negative did not remove Approval Status column.

How I can fix this document library without deletion , so that  future workflows enabled or enablemoderation=true should not give exception ?

Monday, August 6, 2012

User Policy to restrict Form Authentication Users from visitingapplication pages like viewlsts.aspx

• On web application management ( e.g. http://ServerName:CentralAdminPort/_admin/WebApplicationList.aspx) page under central admin , go to Permission Policy :

• Mark the check box which says deny users to view application pages and save.

• Output is :

• Now go to user policies tab for main web application and click on add user :

• Select the zone on which public main application is deployed :

• Under people picker type "ASP.NET Membership provider name" , Permissions : Deny System Pages and click finish :

• Output is like :

Now access few application pages and lists directly to verify with a form authentication user .

Alternative approach and suggestions are welcome under comments section.

Friday, August 3, 2012

0x80070057 sharepoint variations

On page http://ServerName/_Layouts/VariationLogs.aspx , when I ran Timer Job "Variations Create Hierarchies Job Definition" , I was getting the error ( Under Failures column) :

The Variations Create Hierarchies job failed with the following error message: <nativehr>0x80070057</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack>.

I was getting below mentioned errors in ULS logs :

Process : OWSTimer.exe
Area : Web Content Management
Category : Site Management
Level : Unexpected

CreateVariationHierarchiesJob catches Exception. System.ArgumentException: <nativehr>0x80070057</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack> at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetMetadataForUrl(String bstrUrl, Int32 METADATAFLAGS, Guid& pgListId, Int32& plItemId, Int32& plType, Object& pvarFileOrFolder) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetMetadataForUrl(String bstrUrl, Int32 METADATAFLAGS, Guid& pgListId, Int32& plItemId, Int32& plType, Object& pvarFileOrFolder) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.GetFileOrFolderObject(String strUrl) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.CommonUtilities.GetFileFromUrl(String url, SPWeb web) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingPage.get_Layout() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingPage.set_Layout(PageLayout value) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.DeploymentWrapper.CreateVariantPage(PublishingPage sourcePage, PublishingWeb targetArea, String destPageWebRelativeUrl, String pageLayoutName, String title, String
description, Boolean copyResources, Boolean enforceMajorVersion, SPWeb& webToClose, PageLayout[] targetAreaAvailablePageLayouts) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingPage.CreateVariationInner
(VariationLabel varlabel, String pageLayoutName, String destPageName, String title, String description, Boolean copyResources, Boolean overrideStopUpdate, Boolean isCreateHierarchies, Boolean
enforceMajorVersion, Boolean skipIdentityTargetConflictChecks, Boolean stopAutoSpawnAfterDelete, Boolean sendNotificationEmail, LongRunningOperationJob lroLogger, PublishingWeb targetArea, PageLayout[]
targetAreaAvailablePageLayouts, Hashtable variationPageLayoutTable) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingPage.CreateVariationAuto(CachedVariationSettings variationSettings, VariationLabel
varlabel, Boolean isCreateHierarchies, Boolean enforceMajorVersion, Boolean skipIdentityTargetConflictChecks, LongRunningOperationJob lroLogger, PublishingWeb targetArea, PageLayout[]
targetAreaAvailablePageLayouts, Hashtable variationPageLayoutTable) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb.<>c__DisplayClass3e.<CreateVariationsDeepForCurrentPages>b__38(SPListItem item) at
Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.ContentIterator.ProcessItem(SPListItem item, Boolean fIncludeFolderItems, MonitoredScopeWrapper monitoredScopeWrapper, ItemProcessor itemProcessor, ItemProcessorErrorCallout
errorCallout) at Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.ContentIterator.ProcessItems(SPListItemCollection items, Boolean fIncludeFolderItems, Boolean fIterateInReverseOrder, MonitoredScopeWrapper
monitoredScopeWrapper, ItemProcessor itemProcessor, ItemProcessorErrorCallout errorCallout) at Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.ContentIterator.ProcessItems(SPListItemCollection items, Boolean
fIncludeFolderItems, Boolean fIterateInReverseOrder, ItemProcessor itemProcessor, ItemProcessorErrorCallout errorCallout) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb.<>c__DisplayClass3e.<CreateVariationsDeepForCurrentPages>b__37(SPListItemCollection items) at
Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.ContentIterator.ProcessListItems(SPList list, SPQuery query, ItemsProcessor itemsProcessor, ItemsProcessorErrorCallout errorCallout) at
Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.ContentIterator.ProcessListItems(SPList list, String strQuery, UInt32 rowLimit, Boolean fRecursive, SPFolder folder, ItemsProcessor itemsProcessor,
ItemsProcessorErrorCallout errorCallout) at Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.ContentIterator.ProcessListItems(SPList list, String strQuery, UInt32 rowLimit, Boolean fRecursive, ItemsProcessor
itemsProcessor, ItemsProcessorErrorCallout errorCallout) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb.CreateVariationsDeepForCurrentPages(CachedVariationSettings variationSettings, VariationLabel
varlabel, Boolean isCreateHierarchies, LongRunningOperationJob lroLogger, List`1 errors, Hashtable variationPageLayoutTable) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb.<>c__DisplayClass34.<CreateVariationsDeepForChildPages>b__30(SPWeb web) at Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.CultureUtility.RunWithCultureScope
(CodeToRunWithCultureScope code) at Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.ContentIterator.ProcessSite(SPSite site, Boolean fSetThreadCulture, WebProcessor webProcessor, WebProcessorErrorCallout errorCallout)
at Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.ContentIterator.ProcessSite(SPSite site, WebProcessor webProcessor, WebProcessorErrorCallout errorCallout) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb.<>c__DisplayClass34.<CreateVariationsDeepForChildPages>b__2f(SPSite rootSite) at Microsoft.Office.Server.Utilities.TimerJobUtility.ProcessSite(SPSite site,
SiteProcessor siteProcessor) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb.CreateVariationsDeepForChildPages(CachedVariationSettings variationSettings, VariationLabel varlabel, Boolean
isCreateHierarchies, LongRunningOperationJob lroLogger, List`1 errors, Hashtable variationPageLayoutTable) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb.CreateVariationsDeepForChildren
(CachedVariationSettings variationSettings, PublishingWeb sourceParentPubWeb, VariationLabel varlabel, Boolean isCreateHierarchies, LongRunningOperationJob lroLogger, List`1 errors) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb.CreateVariationsDeep(CachedVariationSettings variationSettings, ReadOnlyCollection`1 varLabels, Boolean isCreateHierarchies, Boolean recurse,
LongRunningOperationJob lroLogger, List`1 errors) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.CreateVariationHierarchiesJobDefinition.PerformVariationsSpawn(SPWorkItem workItem, SPWeb currentWeb,
CachedVariationSettings variationSettings)

Process : OWSTimer.exe
Area : Web Content Management
Category : Site Management
Level : Unexpected

PublishingWeb::CreateVariationsDeepForCurrentPages caught Exception at item 'Pages/Folder1/Folder2/PageName.aspx' with : <nativehr>0x80070057</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack>

Process : OWSTimer.exe
Area : Web Content Management
Category : Publishing
Level : Monitorable

GetFileFromUrl: ArgumentException when attempting get file Url http://OldServerName/_catalogs/masterpage/PageLayoutFileName.aspx <nativehr>0x80070057</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack> at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetMetadataForUrl(String bstrUrl, Int32 METADATAFLAGS, Guid& pgListId, Int32& plItemId, Int32& plType, Object& pvarFileOrFolder) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetMetadataForUrl(String bstrUrl, Int32 METADATAFLAGS, Guid& pgListId, Int32& plItemId, Int32& plType, Object& pvarFileOrFolder) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.GetFileOrFolderObject(String strUrl) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.CommonUtilities.GetFileFromUrl(String url, SPWeb web)

Process : OWSTimer.exe
Area : SharePoint Foundation
Category : General
Level : High


Process : OWSTimer.exe
Area : Web Content Management
Category : Site Management
Level : Unexpected

PublishingWeb::CreateVariationsDeepForChildPages() caught Exception at web 'http://NewServerName/es-LA/Subsite1' with : <nativehr>0x80070057</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack>

Process : OWSTimer.exe
Area : Web Content Management
Category : Site Management
Level : Unexpected

DeploymentWrapper::CreateVariantPage() on sourcePage = 'Pages/Folder1/Folder2/PageName.aspx', targetWeb = 'http://NewServerName/es-LA/Subsite1' catches an unexpected exception: System.ArgumentException:
<nativehr>0x80070057</nativehr><nativestack></nativestack> at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetMetadataForUrl(String bstrUrl, Int32 METADATAFLAGS, Guid& pgListId, Int32& plItemId,
Int32& plType, Object& pvarFileOrFolder) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetMetadataForUrl(String bstrUrl, Int32 METADATAFLAGS, Guid& pgListId, Int32& plItemId, Int32& plType, Object&
pvarFileOrFolder) at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.GetFileOrFolderObject(String strUrl) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.CommonUtilities.GetFileFromUrl(String url, SPWeb web) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingPage.get_Layout() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingPage.set_Layout(PageLayout value) at
Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.DeploymentWrapper.CreateVariantPage(PublishingPage sourcePage, PublishingWeb targetArea, String destPageWebRelativeUrl, String pageLayoutName, String title, String
description, Boolean copyResources, Boolean enforceMajorVersion, SPWeb& webToClose, PageLayout[] targetAreaAvailablePageLayouts).

Possible Reason :

1. You have recently moved your content db from an old server , the display names for page layouts seems to be updated ( even on mouse hover) but internally older server name is being referred.
2. Even after updating page layout via object model , publishing cache is not flushed.
Possible Resolution:


For all the Publishing pages under source variation , update property "PublishingPageLayout" to http://NewServerName/_catalogs/masterpage/PageLayoutFileName.aspx [ old value
http://OldServerName/_catalogs/masterpage/PageLayoutFileName.aspx ]
page.ListItem.Properties["PublishingPageLayout"] = newPageLayout;

2. Flush object cache at http://ServerName/_Layouts/objectcachesettings.aspx
4. Restart owstimer.exe
5. Under http://ServerName/_Layouts/VariationLabels.aspx again schedule create Hierarchies.
6. Have a cup of tea.
7. Start the Timerjob 'Variations Create Hierarchies Job Definition’ manually or wait for the schedule.
8. Keep an eye on http://ServerName/_Layouts/VariationLogs.aspx

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Access "Pages" Library for Chinese Locale


My site collection has 5 language variations.


Except Chinese version I am able to access Pages Library Like :

web.Lists["Pages"] or web.Lists.TryGetList("Pages")  .


But for Chinese sub site :

  1. If I Iterate   web.Lists   collection  using foreach loop , there is a list present whose SPList.Title is "Pages" . For this list Under SPList.SchemaXml , Title is Title="頁面"

  2. web.Lists["Pages"] gives error: List 'Pages' does not exist at site with URL 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' AND  web.Lists.TryGetList("Pages")   gives null .

  3. But web.Lists["頁面"]  returns the right SPList object

Is it like , SharePoint API's to retrieve a list by name refer to  SchemaXml   rather than SPList.Title , while retrieving a list internally ?




Reply 1 by http://social.technet.microsoft.com/profile/ivan%20vagunin/?ws=usercard-mini


I would propose to use SPWeb.GetList function - it returns list by url (eg web.GetList("/myweb/Pages") and url usually the same for all locales.


reply 2 By http://social.technet.microsoft.com/profile/aseem%20sood/?ws=usercard-mini

All the options that I can come up with are:


  1. Web.GetList(<Url from SharePoint Resource File>) Preferred over the others for Intranet

  2. PublishingWeb.PagesList (Coz it was specifically mentioned for Pages Library)

  3. SPWeb.GetListsOfType ( with 850 for Pages Library. If it does not work then 101-Document Library and Loop through)

  4. Guid LibraryPagesId = PublishingWeb.GetPagesListId(web); SPList psgeslib = web.Lists[LibraryPagesId];

Also, just wanted to add Web.GetList(URL) is normally a better performing approach than Web.Lists[ID/TITLE].


Aseem Sood

Monday, July 9, 2012

SharePoint 2010 | Content Deployment using Path and Jobs from Central Admin | Errors


We have a staging source and target production.  For 1st migration on blank site collection :

1. Even if we migrate content to a blank site collections we get many warnings like :


[WebFeature] [Publishing]   Warning: Provisioning did not succeed. Details: Failed to create the 'Images' library. OriginalException: The feature failed to activate because a list at 'PublishingImages' already exists in this site.  Delete or rename the list and try activating the feature again.


Warning: Provisioning did not succeed. Details: Failed to create the 'Images' library. OriginalException: The feature failed to activate because a list at 'PublishingImages' already exists in this site.  Delete or rename the list and try activating the feature again.


Warning: User or group 19 cannot be resolved.


 Can we use a backup of staging as target instead of blank . What else than initial migration failure should I aspect as drawback in this ?



Content deployment deploys the most recent major and minor versions of a content item. For example, if version 2.7 of a Web page is being deployed, the most recent major version (2.0) of the page, and the most recent minor version (2.7), will be deployed to the destination site.

Is it possible to limit the migration to last major version only ?

  1. We have started with blank site collection using powershell. Still getting the error in point one.

  2. I refer to http://centralAdmin/_admin/Deployment.aspx in this problem statements above.

Reply 1 By http://social.technet.microsoft.com/profile/jason%20warren/?ws=usercard-mini

Microsoft's Stefan Goßner has a great post about content deployment that I recommend you review.


In the section about the requirements for a successfuly content deployment, he recommends using an empty site collection for the destination and not a site collection with the Blank Site template (STS#1):
3) Use an empty site collection as the destination of your content deployment job

As already discussed in Part 5 content deployment will fail if the destination database contains conflicting content. To avoid this it is required that the initial deployment is done into an empty site collection.

Be aware that the only way to create an empty site collection is to use the following STSADM command:

STSADM.EXE -o createsite -url <url-to-site-collection> -ownerlogin domain\user -owneremail <email-address>

Using the "Blank Site" template will NOT create an empty site collection! It will actually create a site collection with content. You can see the difference if you create a site collection using both methods and then inspect the content of the created sites using SharePoint designer.

I personally recommed to always use the STSADM command with the syntax above to ensure that you really have an empty site collection as destination.

Impact: If the site collection has been created using a different method or already contains data the content deployment job will fail.

How to resolve: Deploy into an empty site collection

For your second question, content deployment will deploy the latest published version. If you don't want a minor version to be deployed (it's a draft, perhaps), simply do not publish it.



Infrastructure Specialist


 Reply 2 By http://social.technet.microsoft.com/profile/neal%20mcfee%20%5Bmct%5D/?ws=usercard-mini

To create a site collection that does not have a template (an empty site template) you omit the -template parameter in the New-SPSite cmdlet.

If you create a blank site using the STS#0, this will not work for the task you are trying to complete.



Try deleting the target site collection and recreating it using New-SPSite but do not specify the template.

Then re-run your publishing job.

If this helps you then please mark the post as helpful.
If this answers your question then mark it as the answer.
If another contributor in the thread answers your question then please do the right thing.
And as always most answers for SharePoint are based on "It depends"


Sunday, July 1, 2012


variationsfixuptool is used to correct variations system data
on publishing sites or pages.If you want to analyze the actual site structure
and the data stored in the relationships list this tool may be good one.


stsadm -o variationsfixuptool

   -url <source variation site URL>








Parameter name Value Required? Description
url A valid URL, such as http://server_name Yes The URL of a site in source variation where variations system data is being analyzed or corrected.
scan <none> No Analyzes the variations hierarchy and report findings.
This parameter provides functionality that cannot be accessed using the Central Administration Web site.
For each Site/Page, it reports:
  • If the source site is marked as being in the source variation hierarchy (SPWeb.AllProperties["__InSourceHierarchy"] == True ?). If the site is marked as being in the source hierarchy means that the page is part of the source hierarchy.
  • The Variation Group Id of the source site or page (SPWeb.AllProperties["Variation Group Id"] or PublishingPage.ListItem[FieldId.VariationGroupId])
  • Which peers are registered in the relationships list with same Variation Group Id
  • If a variation peer exists in the configured labels (default is all spawned labels) by first checking if a peer is configured in the relationships list with the same variation group ID for the given label. If no peer can be found using the relationships list we try to lookup the peer using the default URL that would be used when creating a variant in the given label
  • The variation group id of the variation peers in the target labels (SPWeb.AllProperties["Variation Group Id"] or PublishingPage.ListItem[FieldId.VariationGroupId])
  • If the source site/page is configured in the relationships list
  • In addition the command reports the variation labels used for the peer check (default is all spawned labels).
  • The tool will not identify any issues - it is required to analyze the report in detail and interpret it in order to find problems.
recurse <none> No Scan or fix all subsites of the site specified by the url parameter.
label A valid label name, such as "English" No Name of the label of the variation target.
fix <none> No Corrects invalid variations system data that are found. If the recurse parameter is used, fixes are done recursively for all subsites.
This parameter provides functionality that cannot be accessed using the Central Administration Web site.Fix mode will not create missing variation peers.
The following issues are automatically fixed:
  • Missing Variation Group ID on source site or source page
  • Missing relationships list entry for source or target page or site
  • Missing Variation Group ID on target site or target page
  • Different Variation Group ID in source site/page and target site/page (source ID will win)
spawn <none> No Creates new site variations on the source variation site specified by the url parameter for all target variations labels. If the recurse parameter is used, variations for subsites and pages are also created.
This parameter equivalent to the New Variation Site user interface setting that is located on the Site Content and Structure page.
This operation mode cannot be used to spawn pages in already spawned sites.
The command initiates the site spawn operation by creating a scheduled work item for the SpawnSiteJobDefinition timerjob. The spawn will be performed as soon as the timerjob runs.
The difference between the scheduled work item created by the CPVAreaEventReceiver and the Variationsfixuptool is that the tool has the option to create a workitem, which only spawns the site to one specific variation rather than to all spawned variation labels.
A common use scenario is to configure the source variation label with the Hierarchy Creation option to create only the root site and not the complete hierarchy and later to spawn the hierarchy or parts of the hierarchy from the source label using the STSADM command.
In MOSS 2007, this command was a major benefit compared to the automatic hierarchy creation in the UI, as it was the only way to force the creation in OWSTIMER rather than W3WP.
With SharePoint 2010 where all actions are already in OWSTIMER the benefit of using the STSADM command rather than the UI is rather limited.
showrunningjobs <none> No Displays current status of Variations Propagate Page Job Definition and Variations Propagate Site Job Definition timer jobs that are located on the Timer Job Status page of the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. But this does not provide information about Variations Create Hierarchies Job Definition , Variations Create Page Job Definition and Variations Create Site Job Definition.You only get to know about Variations Propagate Page Job Definition and Variations Propagate Site Job Definition.
Example :
stsadm -o variationsfixuptool -scan -url http://server/sites/pub/vhome/source -recurse > C:\report1.html

Source of information :

SharePoint Variations – The complete Guide – Part 11 – Variations Fixup Tool (blogs.technet.com/b/stefan_gossner/archive/2011/11/28/sharepoint-variations-the-complete-guide-part-11-variations-fixup-tool.aspx)

Use the variationsfixuptool operation (SharePoint Server 2010) [technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd789633(v=office.14).aspx]

You may also like:

Cannot create Variation site because the parent Publishing web cannot…

0x80070057 sharepoint variations

Access “Pages” Library for Chinese Locale

Friday, June 29, 2012

System KeyWords for Managed MetaData Service



under the "System" Group >  "Keywords" Termset  I can see various terms which are named as various combination of digits like  :













If you know why they are there , kindly share this with all of us.Please explain what is the purpose of these digits ( Enterprise Keywords) , I we loose few of them , what may be the consequences.


The source of the question is , one of our servers is having  few extra of them like : 18,19,20,21,22,23

Reply 1


I checked and I wasn't able to reproduce this issue by Content Deployment between 2 SharePoint environments so this seems like an environment specific issue; in-depth engagement is not feasible thru forum replies and this issue requires a more in-depth level of support.
Please visit the below link to see the various paid support options that are available to better meet your needs:http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?id=fh;en-us;offerprophone. If you are a MSDN / TechNet subscriber, you can also contact our support by using your free support incidents.

However, other members of the community may still have encountered the issue you're seeing, and have a solution to offer!

The keywords visible under "System" group are added by tagging documents / list items with predefined (taxonomy) and user defined (folksonomy). There are no pre-populated digit keywords so I do not believe there would be impact other than tagged items losing these tags.

Please see the following articles
Nishant Shah


Reply 2


I doubt :

if staging has a dummy term and corresponding TaxonomyHiddenList entry . The Content deployment /migration from staging to production create such type of terms.


What Microsoft can do to fix it :

1. Suppose staging has a term (myGuid) under Termset1(Guid1), under Group1 ( Guid2) , under Store 1 ( Guid3 ); and while migration of site collection it finds a term in taxonomyhiddenlist which is missing on target >

2. It should search for Guid1 under GUID2 under GUID 3 to create a term with myGuid.

As of now under current implementation by Microsoft for migration API's it seems to be creating entry under Group System Termset Keywords.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

SharePoint 2010 strange behavior of Taxonomies under Migration from one server to another

Microsoft.SharePoint.dll version 14.0.4762.1000

Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.dll  version 14.0.4756.1000


We migrate only published and approved content from staging to production. Under one of the scenarios, we want to introduce new Terms for our system. Here is the strange behavior we are facing that might be reported to Microsoft for improvements in future service packs:

  1. Create new term on staging under desired termset.

  2. Reproduce same term with same Guid and parent term set on production :

    • By using TermSetItem.CreateTerm Method (String, Int32, Guid)

    • By stopping meta dataservice and then replace db on production from staging

    • By using Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData,Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData  powershell

  3. Create unpublished SPItem on staging which refer the new term.

  4. Let the content deployment proceed. This will migrate only the Term entry in TaxonomyHiddenList.

  5. Publish any spDoc which refers few of the old and new terms.

  6. Let the content deployment migrate the new published item.

  7. Now on production the newly migrated spDoc has only new term referred.

  8. If we migrate spDoc which only has old terms , not the new one, it migrates well and all the terms are visible under the display item form > SPField.

How you could help me in this:

I got tp_ListId and tp_DocId for my target document migrated from [AllDocs] database Tableusing LeafName.

Using tp_ListId and tp_DocId  on [AllUserData] I was able to observe that, actully content deployment has created entry correctly here.

The entry is like under ntext2 is like:“OldTerm1|OldTerm1GUID;NewTerm1|NewTerm1GUID;OLDTerm2|OldTerm2GUID”

Using all SharePoint API’s and U2U etc, my migrated item returns only the new term , it seems to be old terms are wiped off , but they are not , they are there in the database.

The output of U2U is:


Now I have a question for you, what else than Taxonomy Update Scheduler Timer Job could be the culprit? Is it like the account with which SharePoint Timer Job is running , must have full control on Meta Data DB and Site Collection DB ?


How Microsoft should help us in this:

For a new term, when referred by an item, it should be handled by the migration /deployment API’s exposed internally that:

  • A new Term should be created under the same termeset as on source. Right now it tends to create under System > Keyword Terms set if term is missing. ( if I miss step 2 above)

  •  No multiple entries should be allowed in TaxonomyHiddenList with same title /GUID, name parent termset etc. If we migrate an item which is published under ste 4 above. 2 entries are created under TaxonomyHiddenList.

  • Taxonomy Update Scheduler should be made efficient to handle multiple entries for same term in the taxonomyhiddenlist by the external processes.

 Reply 1



After doing all the above steps once :

So the Taxonomy Hidden List has all the terms as desired , the Term Store is up to date , the SQL  content DB has the entry as it should be.

Means Taxonomy Update Scheduler is not able to update the content DB , so that it may display the right values.


Do we need some kind of Service pack here ? We have :

Microsoft.SharePoint.dll version 14.0.4762.1000

Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.dll  version 14.0.4756.1000


I tried  TaxonomySession.SyncHiddenList(mySiteCollection); but it could not help .




If I run all my Meta service , web application pool and SharePoint Timer Job with an "Admin Everywhere" account on production replica and follow the steps above along with TaxonomySession.SyncHiddenList(mySiteCollection);  still it does not help.


If I run all the app pools and windows services on the server using an account who has admin rights everywhere along with TaxonomySession.SyncHiddenList(mySiteCollection);  it helps , I had to insert SyncHiddenList along with manual run of Taxonomy Migration Job in b/w step 4 and 5 above. i.e after the Taxonomy Hidden List item migration and before the actual content come in .







Is there some shorter way to avoid all the mess above said ? Or at least you could point out what else than exactly my Meta service app pool  , web application pool and SharePoint Timer Job is involved in Taxonomies !!!


Reply 2

Temporary Solution:
Everywhere on msdn and blogs, technology geeks have suggested making taxonomy store to be common for staging and production environments. But in our case we cannot maintain this. So with our version of SharePoint (Microsoft.SharePoint.dll version 14.0.4762.1000, Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.dll  version 14.0.4756.1000 ) we have tested below mentioned to work as an alternative:


0. On staging and production go to Central Admin > Security > Configure Service Accounts

a. Select Farm Account and press OK, the account you had decided to be farm account previously will be getting full control at many places in the DB , if the DB's are backup and restore off the line , generally we loose this important couple b/w farm account and Database. It will make sure the timer service which runs with Farm account can do many stuff on the whole farm without any errors.

b. do similar to above for app pool account for managed meta service and your target web applications.

1. Run export import for the staging and production to be in sync. Halt the changes on staging.
2. Create new term on staging under desired termset. Extract the GUID for this new term and keep safe with you
3. Create unpublished SPItem on staging which refer the new term.( To create an entry in taxonomy hiddenlist)
4. TaxonomySession.SyncHiddenList(mySiteCollectionStaging).Before Sync Please make sure your SharePoint Timer Job is running with an account which has full rights on site collection and the taxonomy data base. This can be done by setting admin for site collection and taxonomy service.Please make sure after this you wait for  "Enterprise Metadata site data update" and "Taxonomy Update Scheduler"  to run once as scheduled.

5. Delete the unpublished item of step 2 if you wish to .

6. Run export process and discard this export package. Because this package contains all the terms, since they are updated by sync process.
A. Reproduce same term with same Guid and parent term set on production: By using TermSetItem.CreateTerm Method (String, Int32, Guid) Take GUID and name from step two above.
B. Create an unpublished dummy item on production with new term.
C. TaxonomySession.SyncHiddenList(mySiteCollectionProd).Please make sure after this you wait for  "Enterprise Metadata site data update" and "Taxonomy Update Scheduler"  to run once as scheduled.
D. Delete the unpublished item if you wish to.

Now servers are ready for future normal import and exports without any error till the time you don’t introduce new terms.


Reply 3

Permanent Solution:


How Microsoft should help us in this:

1. Make the content deployment API's smart enough , that source Taxonomy hidden list is not marked for migration while exporting site collection , when the SPtem which refer to a term is created on Target , the right ( in sync) Term will automatically be created under target taxonomy hidden list.

2. In case Target term store is not updated , there should be explicit messages in import log , that a term is referred which may have been missing in the target term store.Import is unsuccessful.Please update your term store and run the import again. Or let the SharePoint Timer job create one at right place and give error if parent term set is missing

Friday, June 22, 2012

User Profiles in custom SPGridView with Pagination for SharePoint 2010


My User Profiles have around 10,000 records.


I want to display them in a SharePoint Grid ( custom) . If the count of profile were only 50 , to display them all my dev machine takes around 40 seconds with all custom processing I have.

So, I want page size say 20 , and on each next click I should   get  from profile DB next 20 records. I should be able to get page numbers also in the bottom. For direct navigation.


Please suggest if you have something in your mind / you done it already in past.


I am gonn rely on Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.ProfileManagerBase.GetEnumerator for this .


Any pointer ?

Reply 1

Hi hemantrhtk,

It may be not easy to use paging to user profiles, in this situation, you may consider store the profile information in a datatable, and use paging for the datatable, here is an example about this, please refer to this for more information:



Qiao Wei

Reply 2

with http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee581591.aspx under microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles

we can atleast implement  next,previous under pagination. But looking for page numbers with last and 1st page buttons.

Anyways we are targeting membership provider as base for pagination, which has   public abstract MembershipUserCollection GetAllUsers(int pageIndex, int pageSize, out int totalRecords);. after that for each page fetch the records from User profiles.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Quickly get all files inside a spfolder recursive

Follow these steps:

  • Open the spfolder in IE.

  • Click on open with windows explorer.

  • Use this url to map a drive in your my computer.

  • Use below power-shell to extract the list:

 Get-ChildItem "z:\" -Recurse  | Foreach-Object 
       write-host $_.fullname;
       Add-Content  "C:\hemant\sometextfile.txt"  $_.fullname;

Friday, June 1, 2012

Central Admin Content Deployment Jobs and Path by Microsoft (SharePoint 2010) VS SharePoint Content Deployment Wizard by chrisobrien


Few of our projects are using SharePoint Content Deployment Wizard  by chrisobrien    since old days of MOSS 2007. And others use Central Admin Content Deployment Jobs and Path  by Microsoft .

Microsoft keeps on updating there out of box feature in SharePoint as usual.


I am starting this discussion for folks here to encourage using the best that could be. I would request everyone to share there views Like :--


My preference : Central Admin Content Deployment Jobs and Path  by Microsoft (SharePoint 2010) (Option 1)

Why :

  1. I prefer option 1 because it is something for which I can go back to Microsoft  and request for support. I get  almost all feature in option 1 , which option 2 gives.


My preference :  SharePoint Content Deployment Wizard  by chrisobrien   (Option 2)

Why :

  1. I prefer option 2 for level of customization it allows with custom API as wrapper  , I can control the whole migration process . Option 1 is kind of Black box for us.



You are welcome to share links where the tech world have already such threads available which gives this comparison handy like SharePoint Content Deployment Wizard




Are there some alternatives if we don’t want to upgrade from Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (14.0.4763.1000), still we don’t face below mentioned issues:

  1.        An incremental content deployment of a package in SharePoint Server 2010 fails if the following conditions are true:

    • The package contains a renamed site.

    • A sub-site contains a link to the renamed site.

Additionally, you receive the following error message:

Value does not fall within the expected range.

References: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2459108

  1.        You perform a content deployment from a source web application to a destination web application in SharePoint Foundation 2010.

    • You select languages under the Alternate language section in the source web application.

    • You perform an incremental content deployment.

In this scenario, the alternative language setting is not changed in the destination web application.

References: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2536591

  1.        Assume that you perform an incremental content deployment on a destination SharePoint Server 2010 farm. In this situation, the changes for the alternative language settings on the source farm are not reflected on the destination farm.

References: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2536591

  1.        When you use the Managed Metadata columns together with document sets in SharePoint Foundation 2010, you cannot perform a content deployment successfully. Additionally, you receive the following error message:

FatalError: Specified data type does not match the current data type of the property.

References: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2598304

  1.        You paste HTML markup into the comments field of a publishing page in a SharePoint site.

You change the page order by using the Site Navigation Settings page in the SharePoint site.

You perform a content deployment from this site to another site.

In this scenario, the content deployment fails, and you receive the following error message:

Cannot complete this action.

References: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2598304

  1.        One of the issue you may face with Deployment job is :   How to Fix – Publishing Site Content Deployment Error – Duplicate First Name Column

  2.        You should verify for relative links, if they are migrated correctly.

Nevertheless we can avoid many not listed anywhere using below mentioned:

Best practices for content deployment (SharePoint Server 2010)

You are invited to add the issues you kept on facing in SharePoint Content Deployment using Paths and Jobs , with links to resolution or explanations.

SPWebService.CollectSPRequestAllocationCallStacks property

There was a time when you had to restart a lot of stuff after editing registry entries like  : KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\HeapSettings        SPRequestStackTrace = 1

to get the root cause of memory leaks and all that stuff.

Now you have property  SPWebService.CollectSPRequestAllocationCallStacks .  This is a diagnostic setting that facilitates the debugging of leaks of SPSite and SPWeb objects. If not disposed properly these objects can hold onto large amounts of memory. By enabling this setting, traces in the trace log that report leaks will contain callstacks. However, callstack collection is expensive so this should only be enabled during a brief diagnostic period.

Powershell :

$MySvc = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService
$MySvc.CollectSPRequestAllocationCallStacks = $true | $false


Monday, May 28, 2012

Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy Migration of Taxonomy


I have server1 with Microsoft.SharePoint.DLL version  14.0.5123.5000  in farm1 .

  1. I took Content DB backup of Site collection SC1 on this server 1 along with Taxonomy DB backup on server 1 .

  2. I restored these DB's on Server2 ( Microsoft.SharePoint.DLL version  14.0.4762.1000)  SQL DB .

  3. Created a new Taxonomy Meta Service with  restored MetaService DB backup on Farm2.

  4. Created a new web application and site collection with restored Content DB from Server1  on Farm2.

  5. Manually run the Taxonomy Update Scheduler Timer Job.

  6. When I create a new item/ edit an on Server 2, a new entry is created in TaxonomyHiddenList and a new entry under termStore "System".

  7. Even though I have same term present in my custom Termstore in a termset !!!!

The ideal behavior should be , on server 2 , new item should be tagged to my custom term in predefined termset and termstore .

Please guide me what step I am missing.

Reply 1

Let's try a different approach. Instead of trying to create the service from a backup, we can export the data and import it into a new metadata service:

  1. Delete the Managed Metadata service in Farm 2.

  2. Create a new Managed Metadata service in Farm 2. Note the application pool account.

  3. In farm 1, from an elevated SharePoint Management Console window, run the Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData cmdlet. This will create export the managed metadata data into a cabinet file (.CAB):

Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData -Identity "http://sharepointsite" -ServiceProxy "ManagedMetadata Service Proxy Name" -Path "C:\Temp\ManagedMetadata.cab"

  1. opy the .CAB file from farm 1 to a folder on the farm 2 SQL Server. Share this folder and give Everyone Full Control sharing permission (we will clean this up later)

  2. In farm 2 SQL Server Management Studio, give the Managed Metadata application pool account (from step 2) bulkadmin SQL Server role (Expand the server instance -> Expand Security -> Find the account -> Right click, Properties -> Server Roles Page -> Check bulkadmin -> Click OK)

  3. In farm 2 SharePoint server, from an elevated SharePoint Management Console window, run the Import-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData cmdlet to import the data:

Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData -Identity "http://sharepointsitefarm2" -ServiceProxy "New Managed Metadata Service Proxy Name" -Path "\\SQLServerName\Share\ManagedMetadata.cab"

You'll need to update the URLs and names to reflect your environments.


Reply 2

Hello Jason

Thanks for your great help. With the migration commands you shared also , I was getting the same problem.

The source of the problem in my case was :

After recreation / DB restoration /migration of Taxonomies , few of the properties in my User Profiles had lost the mappings, I had to manually remap them to get the things working.

Reply 3 

After everything I am facing below mentioned: ( To sum up I will rewrite all steps I did)\

  1.        I have server1 with Microsoft.SharePoint.DLL version  14.0.5123.5000  in farm1 .On Farm 2 Microsoft.SharePoint.DLL version  is 14.0.4762.1000

  2.        The Farm1 and Farm2 are exact replica ( created from same content DB) and Taxonomies also being same with same GUIDs of Term Store and sets and Terms.

  3.        I created a new term under my custom term set on Farm1 . Used  Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData  and  Import-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData   (OverwriteExisting)  to migrate changes in Terms  to Farm 2

  4.        Edited an existing content in Site Collection 1 to refer to the new term.

  5.        Now I used Deployment API’s to take incremental export of site collection 1 .

  6. The import process on Site Collection2 on farm 2 create two entries in TaxonomyHiddenList !! These two entries have same Title, IdForTermStore, IdForTerm, IdForTermSet etc . Only difference is the SPITEM ID .

  7.        All the functionalities of my site work fine. But I am not sure why these two entries should be there in TaxonomyHiddenList !!!

After each step above I run the Taxonomy Update Scheduler Timer Job on Site collection 2 web application. Manual TaxonomySession.SyncHiddenList also did not help.

Seems to be one entry in TaxonomyHiddenList came from content migration of TaxonomyHiddenList itself and the second entry came as include dependency of list item edited which refer to this new  Term. Might be the case ?

As the import Log mention The import Process on Site Collection2 refer to TaxonomyHiddenList Twice :

[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] Start Time: 5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM.
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] Progress: Initializing Import.
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] Progress: Starting content import.
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] Progress: De-Serializing Objects to Database.
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [Folder] [Person] Progress: Importing
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [Folder] [Person] Verbose: Source URL: _catalogs/users/Person
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [Folder] [Item] Progress: Importing
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [Folder] [Item] Verbose: Source URL: Lists/TaxonomyHiddenList/Item
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [Folder] [myLibrary] Progress: Importing
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [Folder] [myLibrary] Verbose: Source URL: myLibrary/Forms/myLibrary
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [File] [sitemap.xml] Progress: Importing
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [File] [sitemap.xml] Verbose: Source URL: sitemap.xml
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [File] [sitemap.xml] Verbose: Destination URL: /sitemap.xml
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [ListItem] [xyz.pdf] Progress: Importing
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [ListItem] [xyz.pdf] Verbose: List URL: /myLibrary
[5/30/2012 11:08:46 AM] [ListItem] [xyz.pdf] Verbose: Deleting...
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] [ListItem] [53_.000] Progress: Importing
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] [ListItem] [53_.000] Verbose: List URL: /Lists/TaxonomyHiddenList
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] [ListItem] [272_.000] Progress: Importing
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] [ListItem] [272_.000] Verbose: List URL: /_catalogs/users
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] Verbose: Performing final fixups.
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] Progress: Import completed.
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] Finish Time: 5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM.
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] Duration: 00:00:00
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] Total Objects: 11
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] Finished with 0 warnings.
[5/30/2012 11:08:47 AM] Finished with 0 errors.

My migration process export only the content which is published . If I give a tweak in the process it works:

1. Create an item which is not published using the new term on server 1 . This populates an entry in TaxonomyHiddenList. Let this Term in TaxonomyHiddenList migrate in next export import migration.

2. Now before next migration cycle , Publish the item which was refering to new term on server 1 . After next migration , the updated item goes to server 2 and there is no extra term in TaxonomyHiddenList onserver 2.

Reason: Probably import process on Server 2 is taken care by SharePoint as a Transaction. Now TaxonomyHiddenList Import and refering item import is under single transaction. So the item does not get reference to the newly created / imported taxonomy hidden list entry and hence trigger a new spitem creation in the taxonomyhidden list.

If we don't want to use powershell for Taxonomy migration and want to stick to db migration, there is a way out, restart SQL server just before db restore on target , so that there may be no connection Live to the managed db at the time of restore.

If we try to point the old service to a new DB instead(on the target,where new db is restored from the source meta db), some mappings may be lost for the termsets to the Columns in the list.

You may also like:

System KeyWords for Managed MetaData Service

SharePoint 2010 strange behavior of Taxonomies under Migration from one

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment SPExportSettings



ExportChangeToken property in SPExportSettings  is something which tells SharePoint API's a point in past from which the incremental export should start .


CurrentChangeToken  (ReadOnly) is something which is set internally , and referred by future exports as a mile stone for export process.This property is set  the when some change occurs in site or when the increamental batchis complete ?


I have a batch which runs perfectly under ideal conditions.



I want that when I run this batch manually , value of CurrentChangeToken  should not be persisted in the system,

so that automatic batch process keeps on running as is & my manual run is free enough to export without any affect on the automatic.



Please help.

1. Is it ok to create my own persisted object store of SPChangeToken , let the Batch use it to get last value and add new token there with CurrentChangeToken   value.  The manual process do not update the custom persisted object , so last in the persisted object is the one by automatic process.





I have one last resort for me , if I don't find direct API's in Deployment name spaces :  SPSite.GetChanges Method (SPChangeToken, SPChangeToken)

In this case I want to know Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPExportSettings.CurrentChangeToken  (ReadOnly)  property is set internally after the export has run  or it is independent of when export runs , but dependent on when actual change occurs.

Reply 1



Under content migration scenarios from staging to Production on daily basis , how  Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment API's are better performer than http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee721058.aspx ?

Friday, March 23, 2012

SharePoint 2010 | Login over HTTPS from HTTP pages

Hello Friends


Did you ever have a chance to work on Login control for SharePoint which sends user’s credentials on SSL and rest of the stuff non-secured?  I found few of the good links which suggest creating our own custom Cookie handlers.

Microsoft SharePoint Team has written their own cookie handler specific to SharePoint which does not allow authentication token being generated on a secured connection to be used under non-secured. 1st thing, Do you see any kind of harm in overriding this behavior of SharePoint’s cookie handler with our own custom one ? Second,I was able to transfer back the cookies using  this approach as in the links below, but current context was lost, and user remained to be logged off !!!



  1.        http://www.sp2010hosting.com/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=5

  2.        http://blogs.visigo.com/chriscoulson/mixed-http-and-https-content-with-sharepoint-2010/

  3.        http://www.sharepointconfig.com/2010/04/partial-ssl-sharepoint-sites-login-over-http-from-http-pages/


Steps I followed:

1. Extended the current setup on SSL . Made it working similar to the default zone application ( including resource files and web.config entries,manual dll etc.)

2. Set the postback url for login button.

3. Made the URL rewrite entries as suggested in both zones. ( these are spread across multiple links, REQUEST_METHOD is additional to https ON rule) URL rewriting can be done very easily with an IIS extension provided by Microsoft.

4. Created the custom handler as suggested and replaced it with SharePoint one.

5. Set the required SSL for cookies to false, so that they may be used on non ssl also.


Reply 1

The two bindings should be given under same zone , only then it works. I was giving the alternate access mappings under different zone.

So with  custom cookie handler with both end point under same zone , it works! !


Reply 2

Hello hemantrhtk


Thank you for your post.


This is a quick note to let you know that we are performing research on this issue.




Pengyu Zhao


Reply 3

The two bindings should be given under same zone , only then it works. I was giving the alternate access mappings under different zone.

So with  custom cookie handler with both end point under same zone , it works! !

Monday, March 12, 2012

SharePoint 2010 | mix mode authentication with ntlm and sql providers | Browser issue



I have a web application claim based with ntlm and sql provider ( mix mode authentication). The default login page of SharePoint 2010 , allows me to login the site on Mozilla 10 and Google  crome,

but on IE 8 and 9 , it does not redirect me anywhere after windows authentication pop up, nor the user is able to access the application pages by typing url directly ( means there is a problem in authentication rather than redirection only)


I have tried allowing all cookies and adding the site in trusted zone on IE 8 and 9 , but no luck

I had given a   hostheader different to the server name, when I revert it back to server name/blank,   I was able to use default SharePoint login page perfectly fine.

This is when hostheader had a DNS entry also in place !!!


Make sure javascript is not disabled. A next step could be to install Fiddler and check which requests/responses are sent over.

Reply 2

Are you forced to actually enter a username and password using IE? This might imply a kerberos misconfiguration?

Reply 3


Have you checked Remember me in the login page?

If yes, please try to do some changes in web.config file:

<cookieHandler mode="Custom" path="/" > changed it to:

<cookieHandler mode="Custom" path="/" persistentSessionLifetime="60">

For more information, please refer to:




Xue-mei Chang



Friday, March 2, 2012

Migration from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2010 Infopath does not work

We are facing an issue to connect my SharePoint 2010 application with InfoPath Designer.

The site collection for which we are getting this error is migrated from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2010.For other applications which are created in SharePoint 2010 itself (no migration) , everything works fine.

While we are trying to connect to migrated application ,we are getting error :


‘This feature requires SharePoint 2010 or greater with InfoPath  Forms Services enabled’


We did below points to troubleshoot this issue but didn’t get any success :(http://sharepointbloggin.com/2010/12/  and http://sharepointbloggin.com/)


  • Activated the "SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features" at Site / Web level

  • Checked Enterprise CAL Licence on the server .


However when we tried to connect another web application in the same farm that is working fine .



Please suggest any workaround if  anyone has faced this kind of problem before, we would greatly appreciate his / her inputs.

Reply 1

Hi hemantrhtk,

May be you haven’t activate it on your the top-level site .Go to the top-level site of wherever your site is, go to the Site Settings > Site Collection Features, and ensure the Enterprise Feature is activated here.

This is also may be InfoPath compatibility problems, you can delete the item relate InfoPath , then recreate it on your SharePoint 2010 environment.



Hello Jack


We have tried this also as per the links shared above.

Reply 2 by http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/profile/shuklabond/?ws=usercard-mini

Hi Hemant ,

Find your solution at :


Vivek Shukla

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

SharePoint as Multilingual Solution - Comparison with other products


I need a comparison sheet of SharePoint 2010 with other products with respect to multilingual support . Other products could be : Google Sites, Hyper Office,  Documentum, Alfresco , Oracle Beehive, Jive, O3 Spaces, Mindtouch ,Lotus Vignette,  Drupal, Salesforce an so on.


Reply 1

I don't think a sheet like that exists. I found a couple of interesting links for you:










Hopefuly they contain useful information for you. One good thing to remember is that users always have to translate content to the other language. All the system settings (such as settings and default columns) are translated. I don't know how to other products work compared to SharePoint.

You also buy a platform with SharePoint so you can use it for lots more then a multilingual solution.

Blog: www.jasperoosterveld.com Twitter: @JasITConsultant


Thursday, February 2, 2012

MOSS 2007 Troubleshooting Guide

need a trouble shooting guide for MOSS 2007.

Please suggest a good document on this which covers almost all scenarios like in MOSS 2007.


Few resources accumulated:

  1. 1.       Administration Tool Kits : 

What it contains: http://blogs.technet.com/b/steve_chen/archive/2009/09/02/sharepoint-administration-toolkit-v4-for-moss-2007.aspx

Download links:

WSS 3.0:


MOSS 2007 :


  1. 2.       The Shortcut Guide to Centralized SharePoint Administration


  1. 3.       Content of this training :


  1. 4.       Installation Guide :



  1. 5.       Before we start any troubleshooting 4 things to be done always:


  1. 6.       All about SharePoint :   


In this link above , just search for word "Troubleshooting" , we get a section to cover troubleshooting many things like :

SharePoint 2007 Versions - How do you find out what version of SharePoint you are running?

Troubleshooting backup and recovery - Use this information to troubleshoot problems that you encounter during backup or recovery

Troubleshoot Messaging Integration

Events and error reference

Account permissions and security settings (Office SharePoint Server) - This article describes Microsoft Office SharePoint Server administrative and services account permissions. It covers the following areas: Microsoft SQL Server, the file system, file shares, and registry entries

Plan for administrative and service accounts

Special directories and storage locations (Office SharePoint Server) - This article lists the folders and files that are used by Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

Files and permissions for Office SharePoint Server 2007 - This article lists the detailed minimum file permission settings for folders and files created when you install MOSS 2007

Running Central Admin on Multiple Servers within a Farm

Decentralizing Site Administration - Security model of WSS 3.0, including its advantages and implications when delegating administrative control over SharePoint sites to individual departments while maintaining centralized administrative control over the SharePoint infrastructure.

Special directories and storage locations - This article lists the folders and files that are used by Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

Moving all databases to a different database server or a server with the same name - Two procedures describing how to move databases to a different server or a server with the same name

I was looking for similar to this one in 2007:

 Reply 1

ou're never really going to get a unified document as it'll almost certainly end up with things that aren't relevant.  Some basic questions would be: -

  • Are you using Performance Point?

  • Are you using Standard or Enterprise?

  • What version of SQL Server do you have?

  • Are you integrating Reporting Services into your deployment?

  • Are you using any major third party products from guys like Metalogix, AvePoint etc.

  • Have you any internal customisations?

All of these would represent deviations from one deployment to the next.  You'd be best served reading widely around the current set-up that you have, reading the link that Bogdan provided and looking at MVP/Support Engineer blogs

Steven Andrews

Reply 2

There are thousands of troubleshooting scenarios and articles. Check the blogs of the SharePoint Support Engineers that are working for Microsoft and you will find a lot of information.

Here you have my blog http://sharepointboco.com/ where you can find SharePoint performance troubleshooting tips and tricks

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List web service returns empty result if anonymous is enabled for site collection using list GUID

I am using MOSS 2007 SP 2. I enabled anonymous access on the site collection for lists only. When I try to call GetListItems on the lists web service on a list that does not have anonymous enabled using the list GUID in the request I get back 0 items. If I used the list name instead I get back list items. If I disable anonymous access for the site collection I also get back list items. Any idea what's going on?


Reply 1

Wrap your request inside authentication.asmx.

Use LoginResult method and based on the results of this function assign the CookieContainer of authentication web service to the Lists web service.

Delegate Control to Inject Google Analytics in MOSS

Hi Guys,

i want to load js for Google analytics for some site and don't want to load for some site so thinking of doing this using delegate control so users can control through feature activation and deactivation.i did something like this for banner image so will this approch work to load js too ?

if there is other way please advise




You can opt for 2 set of master pages. One without scripts included, the other one having the Google Analytic implementation


Reply 2


I am trying to add JS in Master page using Delegate Controls but its not working.here is code i have written.

Please advise


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
namespace WSPBuilderProject1.SharePointRoot.Template.ControlTemplates.PhilaGov
public partial class PhilaGovGA : UserControl {
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string _url = SPContext.Current.Web.Url;
protected override void CreateChildControls() {
this.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(@"<script type='text/javascript'>
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', '#12323232']);



Once i enable feature i dont see this code in head section of master page.

Please advise




Friday, January 20, 2012




I am trying to ResolvePrincipal using People.asmx in two seprate farms. Both farms are single server farms with same configuration . Both farms target the same AD for user information. End point of AD being use din both the farms are the same .

But one one server it takes average 3.5 seconds to Run this web service method, but on the other it takes 43 seconds.


What could be the reason behind ?

Reply 1:

Check out a network trace using the tool Netmon.


Varun Malhotra