Wednesday, June 5, 2013

cache user accounts

For FBA web application using claims, we should specifically use FBA user like 0#.f|abc|username for SuperReader and SuperUser accounts.

Choose two such accounts , preferably new one.

Visit user policy for web application  under central admin

With option all zones, give superUser Full Control and SuperReader Read rights.

Set superReader and SuperUser  fr caching by below mentioned powershell command :

$myWebApp = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity "<WebApplication>"
$myWebApp.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = "<SuperUser>"
$myWebApp.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = "<SuperReader>"


Now go for one IISRESET

when blob cache must be invalidated by framework ?

As a general rule any kind of change in file content or permissions should force the cache to be rebuilt.

When a change is observed , file is removed from indexes.

OperationEffect on BLOB Cache
Editing a file that is BLOB cachedThe cached file is removed from the cache.
Deleting a file that is BLOB cachedThe cached file is removed from the cache.
Deleting a file that is not BLOB cachedAll cached files in the list containing the file that was deleted will be removed from the cache
Deleting a folder in a listAll cached files in the list containing the folder that was deleted will be removed from the cache
Renaming or Deleting a listAll cached files that were in the list will be removed from the cache
Making any changes to a list

  • ·         Permissions

  • ·         Title, or Description

  • ·         Adding or Removing Content Types

All cached files that were in the list will be removed from the cache
Renaming or Deleting a webAll cached entries in the web are removed from the cache
Adding or removing permissions to a web, changing inheritance, adding, updating, or deleting rolesAll cached entries in the web are removed from the cache
Deleting a site collectionAll cached entries contained in the site collection are removed from the cache
Modifying User Policy on the web applicationEntire cache is abandoned, a new cache folder is started

Ref :

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Include specific folder content in BlobCache SharePoint

System.UnauthorizedAccessException to BlobCache Folder

Getting multiple hits to files after enabling BLOB cache

Getting multiple hits to files after enabling BLOB cache

SharePoint Blob Cache is capable of responding to partial content requests.
For large file size client application like media player can decide to send partial requests to server(you ca see requests with status code 206 in IIS logs). SharePoint Server ignores partial content requests and responds to these requests with the entire file , if blob cache is disabled.

So quite possible you get these multiple requests for large files , which were earlier being sent to browser in single request, but since now you have blob cache support , they are divided in to chunk requests.

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Include specific folder content in BlobCache SharePoint

System.UnauthorizedAccessException to BlobCache Folder

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

System.UnauthorizedAccessException to BlobCache Folder

This is a common scenario that we use blobcache in multiple application hosted under same server, but they are running under different app pool /app pool accounts.

This can even make your server slow or stop responding with access denied message for blob cache folder.

Here are few work arounds you can go for :

  1. For each web app , use new root folder in drive.

  2. Give WSS_WPG full access on all these folders.

  3. Use same app pool account for all web applications using blobcache.


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Include specific folder content in BlobCache SharePoint

Getting multiple hits to files after enabling BLOB cache

SharePoint 2013 - Authentication, authorization, and security

  • User sign-in

  1. Classic-mode authentication is deprecated  and manged only by powershell , now claims is the default one. PowerShellcmdlet called Convert-SPWebApplication  can be used to migrate accounts , MigrateUsers method is deprecated  Ref :

  2. Requirement to register claims providers is eliminated

  3. SharePoint 2013 Preview tracks FedAuth cookies in the new distributed cache service using Windows Server AppFabric Caching.

  4. Better log management and depth of logs .

  •  Services and app authentication

  1. for more info on app principal , please visit  Build apps for SharePoint.

  2. server-to-server security token service (STS) provides access tokens for server-to-server authentication .

Ref :

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

my website does not work well with newly released version of IE

This is a very common scenario where you face n number of issues with newer version of browsers

temporary solution, tweak in your web.config like :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<clear />
<add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=EmulateIE7" />

now here is a catch , you might face few issues with SharePoint provided black box units like search crawls. You might want to omit clear tag to avoid such situations.

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SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search | SharePoint Crawl Exceptional Behaviour

Query : Not able to open central Admin

On every page in central admin I getting below mentioned error :

System.InvalidOperationException: Post cache substitution is not compatible with modules in the IIS integrated pipeline that modify the response buffers. Either a native module in the pipeline has modified an HTTP_DATA_CHUNK structure associated with a managed post cache substitution callback, or a managed filter has modified the response. at System.Web.HttpWriter.GetIntegratedSnapshot(Boolean& hasSubstBlocks, IIS7WorkerRequest wr) at System.Web.HttpResponse.GetSnapshot() at System.Web.Caching.OutputCacheModule.OnLeave(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs) at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

Error initializing Safe control - Assembly:Microsoft.Office.SharePoint.ClientExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c TypeName: Microsoft.Office.SharePoint.ClientExtensions.Publishing.TakeListOfflineRibbonControl Error: Could not load type 'Microsoft.Office.SharePoint.ClientExtensions.Publishing.TakeListOfflineRibbonControl' from assembly 'Microsoft.Office.SharePoint.ClientExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c'.

What could be the possible reason behind this ?

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