In SharePoint projects, there are scenarios, where a number of sub sites are created using a same template (now WSP).
We come across requirements where these templates require updation in due course of time. And hence the sub sites already created may require an update. But it is not feasible to go to each and every sub site created and make the changes.
So best way could be take backup of variable components ( Lists) and then recreate all the sub sites and then restore back the lists to the newly created sub sites.
The below mentioned PowerShell script can be used to take backup export the content from a specific named list in a shared folder structure, where each sub site will have a specific folder for backup in format cmp :
Get-SPSite -Identity $spsite | Get-SPWeb -limit all| ForEach-Object {
if(($_.URL -eq $spsite+"/xyz") -or ($_.URL -eq $spsite+"") -or ($_.URL -eq $spsite+"/lmn") )
write-host -f Green "Skipping " $_.URL
"Skipping " + $_.URL | Out-File $File -append
write-host -f Green "processing for " $_.URL
"processing for " + $_.URL | Out-File $File -append
$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace= ""
$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace=$_.Title.Replace(" ","")
write-host -f Blue "Creating Directory: "$mainBackuppath"\"$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace
"Creating Directory: "+$mainBackuppath+"\"+$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace | Out-File $File -append
if($error.count -gt 0){$error | out-file $File -append}
$filesystemPath = $mainBackuppath+"\"+$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace
if(Test-Path $filesystemPath)
$filesystemPath =$mainBackuppath+"\"+$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace+"\"+$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace+".cmp"
$DocLibPath= "/"+$_.Title+"/Shared Documents"
write-host -f Yellow "Taking Backup for "$DocLibPath " at location " $filesystemPath "...."
"Taking Backup for "+$DocLibPath +" at location "+ $filesystemPath +"...."| Out-File $File -append
export-spweb -identity $_.URL -path $filesystemPath -ItemUrl $DocLibPath -Force -IncludeUserSecurity -IncludeVersions All | Out-File $File -append
if($error.count -gt 0){$error | out-file $File -append}
write-host -f Yellow "Backup for "$DocLibPath " at location " $filesystemPath "Completed."
"Backup for "+$DocLibPath +" at location "+ $filesystemPath +"Completed."| Out-File $File -append
write-host -f Red $filesystemPath " does not exist."
$filesystemPath +" does not exist." | Out-File $File -append
write-host -f Green "End of " $_.URL"`n`n`n`n"
"End of "+ $_.URL+"`n`n`n`n"| Out-File $File -append
The below mentioned PowerShell script can be used to restore backup /exported content shared folder structure, where each sub site will have a specific folder for backup in format cmp, to the subsites created using new template :
$spsite= "http://abc:1104"
Get-SPSite -Identity $spsite | Get-SPWeb -limit all| ForEach-Object {
if(($_.URL -eq $spsite+"/xyz") -or ($_.URL -eq $spsite+"") -or ($_.URL -eq $spsite+"/lmn") )
write-host -f Green "Skipping " $_.URL
"Skipping " + $_.URL | Out-File $File -append
write-host -f Green "processing for " $_.URL
"processing for " + $_.URL | Out-File $File -append
$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace= ""
$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace=$_.Title.Replace(" ","")
write-host -f Blue "Checking if directory exist for current web"
"Checking if directory exist for current web" | Out-File $File -append
$filesystemPath =$mainBackuppath+"\"+$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace+"\"+$currentSubSiteTitlewithoutspace+".cmp"
if(Test-Path $filesystemPath)
$DocLibPath= "/"+$_.Title+"/Shared Documents"
write-host -f Yellow "Restoring Backup at "$DocLibPath " from " $filesystemPath "...."
"Restoring Backup at "+$DocLibPath +" from " +$filesystemPath +"...." | Out-File $File -append
Import-SPWeb -Identity $_.URL -Path $filesystemPath -IncludeUserSecurity -Force -UpdateVersions Overwrite | Out-File $File -append
if($error.count -gt 0){$error | out-file $File -append}
write-host -f Yellow "Backup for "$DocLibPath " at location " $filesystemPath "Completed."
"Backup for "+$DocLibPath +" at location " +$filesystemPath +"Completed." | Out-File $File -append
write-host -f Red $filesystemPath " does not exist."
$filesystemPath +" does not exist." | Out-File $File -append
write-host -f Green "End of " $_.URL"`n`n`n`n"
"End of " +$_.URL+"`n`n`n`n" | Out-File $File -append
description of commands being used:
1. Get-SPSite : creates object for the spsite as given by identity parameter.
2. Get-SPWeb -limit all gets all the spweb in the site collection
3. Out-File $File –append : put entry in a log file.
4. write-host -f Green "processing for " $_.URL : to write a text on screen
5. $error.clear() : clears the current error
6. [IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory() : used to create a folder on the shared path
7. if($error.count -gt 0){$error | out-file $File –append : if the error count is greater than 0, that is logged in the log file.
8. Test-Path $filesystemPath : verifies if the folder has been created
9. export-spweb -identity $_.URL -path $filesystemPath -ItemUrl $DocLibPath -Force -IncludeUserSecurity -IncludeVersions All | Out-File $File –append
: the heart of all commands, which is actually creating the cmp file
10. Import-SPWeb -Identity $_.URL -Path $filesystemPath -IncludeUserSecurity -Force -UpdateVersions Overwrite | Out-File $File –append
: the heart of all commands, which is actually restoring the cmp file.
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