- · This option identifies that the escape characters should be interpreted literally -ESCAPE
- · Condition tests for null values- IS NULL
- · Displays rows based on a range of values-BETWEEN
- · Including the specified limits and the area between them; the numbers 1-10, inclusive-inclusive
- · Selects rows that match a character pattern-LIKE
- · Tests for values in a specified list of values-IN
Display the first name, last name, and salary of all
Global Fast Foods staff whose salary is between $5.00 and $10.00 per hour.
SELECT first_name, last_name, salary
FROM f_staffs
WHERE salary BETWEEN 5 AND 10;
2. Display the location type and comments
for all DJs on Demand venues that are Private Home.
SELECT loc_type,
FROM d_venues
WHERE loc_type =
'Private Home';
3. Using only the less than, equal, or
greater than operators, rewrite the following query:
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM f_staffs
WHERE salary BETWEEN 20.00 and 60.00;
SELECT first_name,
FROM f_staffs
WHERE salary >= 20.00 and salary
<= 60.00;
4. Create a list of all the DJs on Demand
CD titles that have “a” as the second letter in the title.
SELECT title
FROM d_cds
WHERE title LIKE '_a%';
5. Who are the partners of DJs on Demand
who do not get an authorized expense amount?
FROM d_partners
WHERE auth_expense_amt =
0 OR auth_expense_amt IS NULL;
6. Select all the employees whose last
names end with “s”. Change the heading of the column to read Possible
SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name
as "Possible Candidates"
FROM employees
WHERE last_name LIKE
7. Which statement(s) are valid?
a. WHERE quantity <> NULL;
b. WHERE quantity = NULL;
c. WHERE quantity IS NULL;
d. WHERE quantity != NULL;
8. Write a SQL statement that lists the
songs in the DJs on Demand inventory that are type code 77, 12, or 1.
SELECT title as "Song"
FROM d_songs
WHERE type_code IN (77, 12 , 1);
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