- · Calculates average value excluding nulls- AVG group function
- · Returns the number of rows with non-null values for the expression- COUNT group function
- · For two sets of data with approximately the same mean, the greater the spread, the greater the standard deviation.- STDDEV group function
- · Operate on sets of rows to give one result per group- any group function
- · Returns minimum value ignoring nulls- MIN group function
- · Used with columns that store numeric data to calculate the spread of data around the mean- VARIANCE group function
- · Calculates the sum ignoring null values- SUM group function
- · Returns the maximum value ignoring nulls- MAX group function
- · To gather into a sum or whole- Aggregate functions return a single result row based on groups of rows. Aggregate is something that is formed by combining several separate elements.
1. Define and give an example of the seven group
average value excluding nulls- AVG
group function
the number of rows with non-null values for the expression- COUNT group function
SELECT AVG(salary) || ' is Average Salary of ' || COUNT(salary) || ' employees.
This table has primary key employee_id which won''t be null. So, ' || (COUNT(employee_id) - COUNT(salary))
|| ' rows are skipped in Average Salary
calculation.' "Example"
(I may use COUNT(*) instead of
COUNT(employee_id), if I want to)
8775 is Average Salary of 20 employees. This table has primary key
employee_id which won't be null. So, 0 rows are skipped in Average Salary calculation.
Please note that in this concatenation and minus
has same precedence. So () were required.
minimum value ignoring nulls- MIN
group function
the maximum value ignoring nulls- MAX
group function
SELECT 'The maximum of ' || COUNT(salary) || ' salaries
in employees table is ' || MAX(salary)
||'. The minimum of '|| COUNT(salary)
|| ' salaries in employees table is '|| MIN(salary) ||'.' "Example2"
The maximum of 20 salaries in employees
table is 24000. The
minimum of 20
salaries in employees table is 2500.
with columns that store numeric data to calculate the spread of data around the
mean- VARIANCE group function
two sets of data with approximately the same mean, the greater the spread, the
greater the standard deviation.- STDDEV
group function
SELECT 'The standard deviation of
' || COUNT(salary) || '
salaries in employees table is ' || ROUND(STDDEV(salary), 4) ||'. The variance of '|| COUNT(salary) || '
salaries in employees table is '|| ROUND(VARIANCE(salary), 4) ||'.' "Example3"
The standard deviation of 20 salaries in employees
table is 5659.6331.
The variance of 20
salaries in employees table is 32031447.3684.
If not rounded the values would have
been inconvenient to read.
the sum ignoring null values- SUM
group function
SELECT 'The sum of ' || COUNT(salary) || ' salaries
in employees table is ' || SUM(salary)
||'.' "Example4"
The sum of 20 salaries in employees table is 175500.
2. Create a query that will show the average cost
of the DJs on Demand events. Round to
two decimal places.
as "Average Cost"
FROM d_events;
3. Find the average salary for Global Fast Foods
staff members whose manager ID is 19.
'$999999.99') as "Average Salary"
FROM f_staffs
WHERE manager_id = 19;
4. Find the sum of the salaries for Global Fast
Foods staff members whose IDs are 12 and 9.
'$999999.99') as "Total Salary"
FROM f_staffs
WHERE id in (12, 19);
5. Using the Oracle database, select the lowest
salary, the most recent hire date, the last name of the person who is at the
top of an alphabetical list of employees, and the last name of the person who
is at the bottom of an alphabetical list of employees. Select only employees
who are in departments 50 or 60.
SELECT MIN(salary) "lowest salary", MAX(hire_date) "most
recent hire date", MIN(last_name) "top last name",
MAX(last_name) "bottom last name"
FROM employees
WHERE department_id in (50, 60);
6. Your new Internet business has had a good year
financially. You have had 1,289 orders this year. Your customer order table has
a column named total_sales. If you submit the following query, how many rows
will be returned?
SELECT sum(total_sales)
FROM orders;
7. You were asked to create a report of the
average salaries for all employees in each division of the company. Some
employees in your company are paid hourly instead of by salary. When you ran
the report, it seemed as though the averages were not what you expected—they
were much higher than you thought! What could have been the cause?
SELECT AVG(NVL(salary, hourly_rate* hrs_worked_in_yr ))
This way the null fields beings ignored will also be counted in.
8. Employees of Global Fast Foods have birth
dates of July 1, 1980, March 19, 1979, and March 30, 1969. If you select
MIN(birthdate), which date will be returned?
March 30, 1969
9. Create a query that will return the average
order total for all Global Fast Foods orders from January 1, 2002, to December
21, 2002.
SELECT 'Average of ' || COUNT(order_number) || ' orders is : ' || AVG(NVL(order_total, 0)) as
FROM f_orders
WHERE order_date BETWEEN TO_DATE('January 1, 2002', 'fmMonth DD, YYYY')
AND TO_DATE('December 21, 2002', 'fmMonth DD, YYYY');
Average of 1 orders is : 103.02
(I may use COUNT(*) instead of COUNT(order_number), if I want to)
10. What was the hire
date of the last Oracle employee hired?
SELECT MAX(hire_date) as "the last"
FROM employees;
11. In the following
SELECT clause, which value returned by the SELECT statement will be larger?
SELECT SUM(operating_cost), AVG(operating_cost)
SUM must be be ‘equal or greater than’ average.
12. Refer to the DJs
on Demand database D_EVENTS table:
Which clauses represent valid statements?
_______a. FROM event_date
FALSE, this is a
column. It will say ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
_______b. SELECT SUM(cost)
_______c. SELECT SUM(event_date)
column is not a number. ORA-00932:
inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got DATE
_______d. SELECT description, AVG(cost) AS
FALSE. ORA-00937: not a single-group group
function. Remove either description (to get single row output), or remove
_______e. WHERE MIN(id) = 100
FASLE. MIN is a group function. ORA-00934: group function is not allowed here
_______f. SELECT MAX(AVG(cost)
FALSE. ORA-00978:
nested group function without GROUP BY
_______g. SELECT MIN(event_date)
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