Friday, November 11, 2016

40 DML Operations and Views

  • ·         A pseudocolumn which assigns a sequential value starting with 1 to each of the rows returned from the subquery- ROWNUM
  • ·         Specifies that INSERTS and UPDATES performed through the view can’t create rows which the view cannot select- WITH CHECK OPTION    ( also the delete)
  • ·         Ensures that no DML operations can be performed on this view- WITH READ ONLY

Use the DESCRIBE statement to verify that you have tables named copy_d_songs, copy_d_events, copy_d_cds, and copy_d_clients in your schema. If you don't, write a query to create a copy of each.
CREATE TABLE copy_d_songs
AS ( SELECT * FROM d_songs);
DESCRIBE copy_d_songs;
DESCRIBE d_songs;
SELECT * FROM d_songs;
SELECT * FROM copy_d_songs;

CREATE TABLE copy_d_events
AS ( SELECT * FROM d_events);
DESCRIBE copy_d_events ;
DESCRIBE d_events;
SELECT * FROM d_events ;
SELECT * FROM copy_d_events ;

CREATE TABLE copy_d_cds
AS ( SELECT * FROM d_cds);
DESCRIBE copy_d_cds;
SELECT * FROM d_cds;
SELECT * FROM copy_d_cds ;

CREATE TABLE copy_d_clients
AS ( SELECT * FROM d_clients);
DESCRIBE copy_d_clients ;
DESCRIBE d_clients;
SELECT * FROM d_clients ;
SELECT * FROM copy_d_clients ;
1. Query the data dictionary USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS to make sure the columns in the base tables will allow UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE. Use a SELECT statement or the Browse Data Dictionary feature in HTML DB. All table names in the data dictionary are stored in uppercase.
USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS describes columns in a join view that can be updated by the current user, subject to appropriate privileges.

SELECT owner, table_name, column_name, updatable,insertable, deletable
FROM user_updatable_columns WHERE LOWER(table_name) = 'copy_d_songs';

SELECT owner, table_name, column_name, updatable,insertable, deletable
FROM user_updatable_columns WHERE LOWER(table_name) = 'copy_d_events';

SELECT owner, table_name, column_name, updatable,insertable, deletable
FROM user_updatable_columns WHERE LOWER(table_name) = 'copy_d_cds';

SELECT owner, table_name, column_name, updatable,insertable, deletable
FROM user_updatable_columns WHERE LOWER(table_name) = 'copy_d_clients';
2.  Use the CREATE or REPLACE option to create a view of all the columns in the copy_d_songs table called view_copy_d_songs.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_copy_d_songs  AS
FROM copy_d_songs;

SELECT * FROM view_copy_d_songs;

3.  Use view_copy_d_songs to INSERT the following data into the underlying copy_d_songs table. Execute a SELECT * from copy_d_songs to verify your DML command. See the graphic.
Mello Jello
The What

INSERT INTO view_copy_d_songs(id,title,duration,artist,type_code)
VALUES(88,'Mello Jello','2 min','The What',4);

4.  Create a view based on the DJs on Demand COPY_D_CDS table. Name the view read_copy_d_cds. Select all columns to be included in the view. Add a WHERE clause to restrict the year to 2000. Add the WITH READ ONLY option.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW read_copy_d_cds  AS
FROM copy_d_cds
WHERE year = '2000'

SELECT * FROM read_copy_d_cds;
5.  Using the read_copy_d_cds view, execute a DELETE FROM read_copy_d_cds WHERE cd_number = 90;
ORA-42399: cannot perform a DML operation on a read-only view

6.  Use REPLACE to modify read_copy_d_cds. Replace the READ ONLY option with WITH CHECK OPTION CONSTRAINT ck_read_copy_d_cds. Execute a SELECT * statement to verify that the view exists.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW read_copy_d_cds  AS
FROM copy_d_cds
WHERE year = '2000'

7.  Use the read_copy_d_cds view to delete any CD of year 2000 from the underlying copy_d_cds.
DELETE FROM read_copy_d_cds
WHERE year = '2000';

8.  Use the read_copy_d_cds view to delete cd_number 90 from the underlying copy_d_cds table.

DELETE FROM read_copy_d_cds
WHERE cd_number = 90;

9.  Use the read_copy_d_cds view to delete year 2001 records.

DELETE FROM read_copy_d_cds
WHERE year = '2001';

10. Execute a SELECT * statement for the base table copy_d_cds. What rows were deleted?

Only the one in problem 7 above, not the one in 8 and 9

11. What are the restrictions on modifying data through a view?
For simple views, all DML’s are OK, but for complex views:
Delete restricted if it contains:
Group functions
pseudocolumn ROWNUM  Keyword

Modify restricted if it contains:
Group functions
pseudocolumn ROWNUM Keyword
Column defined by expressions

INSERT restricted if it contains:
Group functions
pseudocolumn ROWNUM Keyword
Column defined by expressions
Does not include NOT NULL columns in the base table.

12. What is Moore’s Law? Do you consider that it will continue to apply indefinitely? Support your opinion with research from the internet.
 It roughly predicted that computing power nearly doubles every year. But Moore also said in 2005 that as per nature of exponential functions, this trend may not continue forever.

13. What is the “singularity” in terms of computing?
Is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.
3 Reasons To Believe The Singularity Is Near as per Greg Satell on Forbes:
·         We’re Going Beyond Moore’s Law
·         Robots Are Doing Human Jobs

·         We’re Editing Genes

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