Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Muliple Get, Put, Post, Delete under Web API calls to same Controller from Angular JS

In the example mentioned below , you could define multiple PUT to same Web API controller

Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to Post on all of your FaceBook Groups Using Powershell ?

Powershell script saved as text here( Auth codes removed)

#1. This PowerShell script demonstrate how to use Facebook API's in PowerShell .
#2. How to load new framework dll . (Details How to load .Net 4 compiled dll in Powershell ? ) 
#3. How to generate Auth Access Token in facebook. (Details How to generate Facebook token ? )
#4. How to read online xml file which may be site map . (How to read online xml using PowerShell?  $onlineXMLSitemap = "" ;$doc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument;$doc.Load($onlineXMLSitemap);
#5. How to run c# code from powershell directly . (Add-Type -ReferencedAssemblies $mAs -TypeDefinition $cSource -Language CSharp )
#6. How to solve overload function problem in Powershell ( Post method of facebook API has two overloads , one with Path , one without path . We are using 1st . That is why we called c# code from Powershell)
#7. How to select random entries in a collection . ($doc.urlset.url | Get-Random -count 1 | ForEach-Object )
#8. Business purpose resolved : Randomly post on Facebook in my all groups . This script picks one random url from provided Sitemap.XML and post it on 100 FB Groups and your own wall . You can reduce this number though .$  | Get-Random -count 100| ForEach-Object {
#Related terms : Bulk Post on facebook , Post on All Groups ,  Use Facebook API is Powershell , Use Facebook API is c#

How to load .Net 4 compiled dll in Powershell ?

Do you get error like :

Exception calling "LoadFile" with "1" argument(s): "This assembly is built by a runtime
newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. (Exception from HRESULT:

How to generate Facebook token ?

  • Do you have your app already on Facebook Developer site?

How to read online xml using PowerShell?

This post demonstrate how you could read an xml file and manipulate using PowerShell.
# I have taken this site's sitemap as sample xml

$onlineXMLSitemap = "" ;
$doc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument;

# you could manipulate this xml just like an ordinary xml in object model
#below mentioned: Print a random url from my sitemap

$doc.urlset.url | Get-Random -count 1 | ForEach-Object {

Write-Host $_.loc ;


Sample Code :

# I have taken this site's sitemap as sample xml
$onlineXMLSitemap = "" ;
$doc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument;
# you could manipulate this xml just like an ordinary xml in object model

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Can I stop my screen from locking due to inactivity?

Tonight I was watching movie on my TV being broadcasted via HDMI from my Laptop.

It was annoying to force my laptop from dying every now and then.  (Somehow I was not able to change power management settings to never sleep, don’t know why!!!)

So I quickly wrote this PowerShell script, to keep on clicking at random places on my screen:

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Do you want to spend on SharePoint only for MS Office DocumentCollaboration ?

First you should know How to collaborate with SharePoint 2013 :

Now Let's see what Google provides :