Sunday, March 6, 2016

Are you a successful Web Developer?

Features the websites are expected to deliver had been ever increasing. As the scope becomes vast so do the opportunities for genii who have the potential to materialize these business needs. Now the question is what makes you as developer and path finder qualified enough to survive in this dynamic domain!!

Well, I have no prescription pills for you today which you can eat and you are good to go. But I may give you glimpses of, in what direction digital world is moving and what is expected today. It may be altogether a different story five years down the line!! It was only in 1990 when the first page was served on the open internet, just in twenty five years, look around where we are. The way content in managed and delivered or consumed is altogether took a different direction. Does that mean you want to be mere a speculator? I assume no, that’s why you are with me here today, right.

Those days are gone, when these tiny websites were used to deliver unsecured content and online content was considered to be optional for big names to be available. Today these websites are serving not only public content but highly confidential material which may worth billions and make an organization bankrupt if leaked. Now the only way left with we developers is to be a hacker. Does is it sounds crazy? But I mean it, the security measures we develop as we evolve to secure content is meant to be tweaked around and hacked at some point of time by someone smarter than the creator. So we need to constantly be one step ahead. The only way to maintain balance for own good is to patch the security hole before someone else find it.

If you have worked with any big service based organization, you must have observed they emphasize and appreciate reusable assets across the verticals and horizontals a lot. We see more and more versatile tools/products/complete solutions floating around in today’s era. Does this mean if you are making something reusable or launching a multidimensional versatile product, you are eating up developer’s job? This may sound crazy but answer is no. The rate with which demand is increasing supply is far behind. It only means we are trying to use resources in a better manner. But if you are kind of developer who is not willing to learn new things and utilize other’s efforts judiciously, in today’s market, it is difficult for you to survive. Yes, you must attain an expertise in a technology but don’t do the mistake to be dump enough and thrown off the business. World is changing around open your eyes.

Many new websites and solutions are launched very often today, but the one which earn more customers are able to survive. Here comes the unspecified and ever changing common sense of developers which they can utilize to make the projects profitable enough and earn repetitive business. You as a developer must create a product keeping usability aspects in mind. This may have included only a better css in past but today it means a lot more. A website may die soon without being device independent and companion iOS and android apps. This also means there is wider scope for developers to exist today in itself.

This may seem an endless topic to discuss but there is a finite shortcut here which you may always keep in mind. Now does it sound like a magic path? Well possibly it is but I call it a pointer, nothing more than that. Right from Archie search engine in 1990’s to google today, master minds are toiling to make it easy for end user to reach content of their interest as fast as possible. Why not keep eyes on search engine ranking logics prevalent the day today!! Google may rate a website better if it is mobile friendly, faster, authentic content wise, secured enough, liked by the mass (and many more).

But remember, these are only some of the parameters you may follow to help realize goals of your client.  If you win your client’s faith you are successful in this domain and remember client is smarter than you always, that’s why they hired a genius like you. If technology and you as a developer are evolving, so are the consumers becoming smarter.


Westerwick, A. (2013), Effects of Sponsorship, Web Site Design, and Google Ranking on the Credibility of Online Information. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 18(2), 80–97. doi: 10.1111/jcc4.12006

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