Sunday, March 6, 2016

Get or Post ? - Yes it does matter!!

Get and Post are two of the ways to request server from a client using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Get means retrieving information from server (in format as defined by the agreement,) identified based on Request-URI.
We may opt for Conditional get Request, where header may contain If-Modified-Since, If-Match, If-None-Match, or If-Range. This is to reduce load over the network. So, partial Get is also supported here with range header.
Important points to be noted here to choose Get or Post:
1.      As a general rule, in a typical form submission with METHOD="GET", the browser constructs a URL by taking the value of the action attribute, appending a “?” to it, then appending the form data set. The encoding type used in Get request may be “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”.
2.      GET requests can be cached. Also, you may bookmark and look into browser history to retrieve complete request later, but bookmarking and browser history is more of the client features and vary as per what client you are using to make Get request.
3.      Please note, only ASCII characters are allowed while using Get.
4.      You may not be able to hide sensitive information (query string parameters) and even if you use https, still the server logs will contain this information. So for transferring sensitive information Post discussed below is a better choice.
5.      Amount of information you may pass on to server will be limited in case of Get, URL length limit is 2083(1024 in certain cases).It is recommended to keep number of parameters in query string less than 2K, but some servers even handle up to 64K. All in all, you should have a justification like caching or anything like that to keep url’s so large if you want to stick to Get.
Off the topic, in PHP, you may use QUERY_STRING environment variable to retrieve the parameters passed in url. You may also use $_GET to get the array of sent data.
In this data posted is part of message body. This is used for data submission and caching is not an option here unless the response includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields.
Important points to be noted here to choose Get or Post:
1.      As a general rule, in a typical form submission with METHOD="POST",  a POST request is sent, using the value of the action attribute and a message created according to the content type specified by the enctype attribute. The encoding type used in Post request may be “application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. Use multipart encoding for binary data”. You may pass query string parameters in a Post request too, if you wish to.
2.      Typically caching is not an option here under common scenarios. The most common browsers don't support bookmarking or history of the complete request.
3.      There are no restrictions on data type in the Post request. Binary data is also allowed.
4.      Post is a little bit safer than Get, since parameters are in message body as a thumb rule. But in case of Get on https, web travel is equally safe. Still server logs may be one of the reasons here to switch to Post in case of sensitive information passed on.
5.      Length of information posted may be huge in case of Post.

Off the topic, in PHP, you may use $_POST to get the array of sent data, based on complexity of the data.

Conditional GET Request. (2005). Retrieved February 02, 2016, from
GET vs POST. (n.d.). Retrieved February 02, 2016, from
HTTP Methods: GET vs. POST. (n.d.). Retrieved February 02, 2016, from
HTTP/1.1: Method Definitions. (n.d.). Retrieved February 02, 2016, from
Nottingham, M. (2012, September 24). Caching POST. Retrieved February 02, 2016, from
PHP GET and POST Method. (n.d.). Retrieved February 02, 2016, from

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